
卫生服务研究博士.D. 程序

博士的主要任务是.D. in health services research is to develop leaders and problem solvers whose professional services will improve health and health care system not only in Eastern Virginia but also 状态wide, 在全国范围内, 与国际. 卫生服务研究人员检查卫生保健的质量和有效性, 初级保健和管理保健, 新技术, 以及其他重要的卫生服务和相关的公共卫生研究实践课题. 健康 服务 研究 is a multidisciplinary program offers 60 credit hour of core curriculum and elective courses. The goals of the program are to enable students to conduct and interpret health services research, 制定和分析公共卫生政策, to lead programs and organizations that address the health care needs of populations and to work directly with community members to empower them to be a part of the policy formulation process. 卫生服务研究人员从事多种职业, 包括学术界, 行业, 专业组织, 研究中心, 卫生政策小组, 临床的设置, 在联邦政府中, 状态, 当地的, 以及国际机构.

In accomplishing these goals students in the program will develop the critical skills necessary to integrate knowledge and competencies applicable to public health and health services questions and problems. 学生将能够设计可行的方案, 管理资源, and measure the effectiveness of service delivery public health interventions to populations. 学生将被授予博士学位.D. in health services research after the completion of all university and program requirements for graduate degrees.

Students entering the Doctor of Philosophy program in 健康 服务s 研究 must have a completed master's degree from accredited program. 有M的候选人.D., J.D.D。.D.S. 也是可以接受的. 学生须符合大学最低入学要求(研究生入学),并获准攻读博士学位.D. 除例外情况外,在秋季学期的课程. 申请将根据其目的声明进行审查, 学术兴趣, 学术潜力, 推荐信和平均绩点. Complete the application form and submit all required materials to the Office of 招生, bet8体育娱乐入口.


  1. 具有相关专业的硕士学位.
  2. 最低平均绩点(GPA)为3.25(在4上).(0分)硕士学位的总体成绩.
  3. 可接受的GRE成绩.
  4. 三封推荐信
  5. 书面目的声明
  6. 先决能力的实现
  7. 确定与项目相关的导师(注册前)



  1. 研究生入学考试(GRE)不需要,但强烈建议.
  2. For those whose native language is not English a TOEFL score of at least 550 for paper based and 79 for internet-based test.
  3. 所有高等教育机构的正式成绩单
  4. 最近的履历或简历.
  5. Three letters of reference from sources capable of commenting on the applicant's readiness and commitment for doctoral studies. 至少两个, and preferably all letters should be from academic sources; other letters must be from professional supervisors.
  6. 一篇1500字的论文,讨论申请人的学术和职业目标. 这篇文章应该讨论博士是如何.D. 卫生服务研究项目将有助于实现这些目标.



The completed application and supporting documents should be sent to the Office of 研究生招生 by the following deadlines:

  • 入学学期申请-秋季(每年)
  • 国际- 2月1日.
  • 国内- 3月1日.

应用程序, 审查, 录取决定是基于滚动基础的, but anyone interested in fall admission should submit application no later than February 1st for the international and March 1st for the domestic.

应用程序 should be submitted through the bet8体育娱乐入口 Office of 招生/研究生招生 at t1yku.huanglusai.com/admission/apply



Ph.D. 健康服务研究为合格的学生提供经济援助. 援助的类型包括研究生研究助理奖学金, 教学助教奖学金, 还有奖学金给全日制研究生.

Ph.D. 健康 服务s 研究 program offers student to pursue their academic career in 应用健康研究 or 卫生政策和管理 研究.



The 应用健康研究 track emphasizes the skills required to design and conduct research in health care settings. Students are trained in cutting edge methods that are needed to solve the complex health issues.




卫生政策和管理 prepares students for complex health care systems and policy processes 在全国范围内 与国际 via various subjects and research opportunities. 这是一个关注个人健康的交付、成本和质量的领域.






  1. The candidacy examination is comprehensive in nature and consists of written and oral components and is scheduled during the semester in which the last formal graduate credits are completed.
    1. 笔试 是由拨款建议组成的吗

    b. 候选人口试 is hour and half long in-depth discussion with the committee members about the written topics.

    1. Students demonstrate a mastery of the subject matter in all fields of the program including research skills
    2. 要符合资格
      1. 平均绩点3.0
      2. 满足所有项目要求
    3. 考试时间安排在11月的第一周(秋季学期), 3月最后一周(春季学期), 七月的最后一周(夏季学期).



    Students are responsible for the initiation of the Request for 晋升为候选人 after student has successfully competed formal coursework, passed the candidacy examination (written and oral) and have obtained approval of the topic from the dissertation committee.

  2. 论文开题(教师讨论)
    1. Topic selected should be related to 健康 Science 研究 (see the topics of dissertations for our past students).
    2. 提案应该展示学生对研究技能的掌握程度, 写作和学术独立调查.
    3. The proposal defense is delivered in form of presentation in presence of dissertation committee members.
    4. 演讲通常是30-45分钟,然后是问答.


    1. 学生须在课程期间撰写三篇可发表的长篇论文.
    2. 稿件须经委员会委员审定.


    1. 对选定主题进行的独立研究
    2. 由引言、文献综述、方法、结果和讨论组成.



Must be approved by the dissertation chairperson and the dissertation committee prior oral defense.



The oral dissertation defense is scheduled to understand the candidate's research in more depth by exploring the research methodology, 结果, 和候选人的结果.



健康科学学院 offers a Certification program for professionals or students interested in practicing health globally. 这是一场竞争, comprehensive online program that offers training in various health issues and prepares students to take the challenge of resolving them. 

[ZQ(1]为博士开设的新课程.D. 2022年秋季

与ODU关于多样性和包容性的声明一致, 健康 服务s 研究 program is committed to value the unique perspective that students bring regardless their diverse background. 教师 and staff of 健康 服务s 研究 aims to provide healthy and discrimination free environment for the students.

该项目欢迎机会平等的学生,不以种族来评判他们, 少数民族, 性, 性别, 残疾状况.