约翰R. 布罗德里克


约翰R. 布罗德里克

2008 - 2021年总统

约翰R. 布罗德里克, bet8体育娱乐入口第八任也是任职时间最长的校长, 经常出现在校园里吗, 无论是护送客人, 骑他的自行车或参加体育和文化活动.

他已经树立了友好、平易近人的总统形象. 但当谈到他坚持要在老自治领取得进步时,他却很认真, 解决现实问题,巩固地区优势.

自2008年起在他的领导下, Old Dominion已经成为从网络安全到生物电学等领域的研究领导者, 这所大学在癌症治疗和心脏手术方面处于领先地位.

2010年,学校成立了海平面上升研究中心, 将老自治领提升为解决重大环境问题的顶级城市. 从那时起, Old Dominion has broadened its approach with the creation of the multidisciplinary Resiliency Collaborative, the Commonwealth Center for Recurrent Flooding and Resiliency 和 Institute for 沿海适应 & 弹性.

布罗德里克校长还领导了该大学应对大流行的工作, 为学生提供一种混合的方法-面对面或在线课程. The University also launched the Rise to the Challenge Fund to help students and employees with unexpected financial challenges.

在他任职期间,Old Dominion收到了超过1美元.20亿美元的新公共和私人资源. The University is pursuing a $250 million fundraising initiative to increase resources for scholarships, 学院研究和学术中心, 在其他领域. Under his leadership, the value of Old Dominion's endowment has grown to $306 million, as of Dec. 31, 2020.

但是抵制“越大越好”的运动, 布罗德里克校长将老自治领的入学人数控制在24人左右,以最大限度地提高学生体验的质量.


主席布罗德里克 received the President's Award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators in recognition of his commitment to social mobility and student success, 尤其是第一代大学生. Old Dominion已经举办了四届年度社会流动性研讨会, 吸引了全国各地的学术领袖. 其结果是,美国.S. 网站登录 & World Report added a social mobility measure to its college rankings to reward institutions whose students reach higher levels of income after they graduate. Old Dominion排名第1. 4 in the country in the 2021 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings for reducing inequality and "a top performer on social mobility" by U.S. 2020年网站登录.

提高学习成绩, 老自治州建造了一个价值2000万美元的学生成功中心和学习共享区. 自那以后,ODU的毕业率创下了历史最高纪录. The University also has the second-largest percentage of degrees awarded in STEM-H (science, 技术, 工程, 弗吉尼亚研究型大学的数学和卫生保健)领域.


In 2013, Old Dominion received an $11 million gift from alumnus Mark Strome to create the 斯特罗姆创业中心, 扩大学生在课堂内外的创业活动. In 2017, 老自治领开启了君主之路, 一个独特的零售商店,由学生经营,销售学生的产品, 校友, 教职员工企业家.

Other centers and initiatives launched during his presidency include the Centers for 全球 健康, 社会流动性, 网络安全教育与研究, 创新与创业研究所, 弗吉尼亚航天与自治研究所, 和迪恩音乐学院.

In 2018, 老自治领开设了巴里艺术博物馆, funded by a $37 million donation - the largest in the University's history - from Richard and Carolyn Barry. 该博物馆被定位为该地区主要的文化目的地之一.

同样在2018年, Old Dominion launched an expansion of health sciences offerings at its Virginia Beach Higher Education Center, with an increase in nursing classes 和 creation of a center focusing on the cutting-edge field of telehealth. ODU this year received funding from the commonwealth and Sentara 健康care to establish a joint School of 公共卫生 with Norfolk State University and Eastern Virginia Medical School.

2021年春天, 老自治领开设了两栋大楼——新的化学大楼, 拥有37个实验室和122个座位的Michael and Kimthanh Lê数字剧院 & 天文馆, 和雨果·欧文斯之家, a 470-bed residence hall geared to STEM-H students and named for a prominent civil rights leader who was ODU's first African American rector. The University also broke ground on a new $75 million health sciences building on its main campus in Norfolk.


  • 百利艺术大厦
  • 布罗德里克公共餐厅
  • 布鲁克斯十字创新与机会中心
  • 教育建筑
  • 工程系统建设

The Board of 访问ors also renamed the University's Diversity Champion Award for the president in 2013 to recognize his commitment to diversity and inclusion, 是什么帮助创造了一个充满活力的, 多元文化的校园. 2020年秋天, 老自治领招收了超过7名学生,000名非裔美国人, 比弗吉尼亚州任何一所公立四年制学校都要多, 以及来自100多个国家的学生. In 2019, Diverse Issues in Higher Education ranked ODU 14th in the nation in the number of African American students who graduate each year.


主席布罗德里克 has transformed his belief in community service into a centerpiece of University life. In 2011, he, 他的妻子, 第一夫人凯特·布罗德里克, 和ir relatives endowed the Evon-布罗德里克 Award for 社区 Engagement and 服务 to recognize students who immerse themselves in service.

在田径, 主席布罗德里克 oversaw the return of football to Old Dominion in 2009 after a 69-year absence, 给校园增添了一份激情. He is past chairman of both the Conference USA and Colonial Athletic Association Boards of Directors and a member of the NCAA Division I Presidents Forum.

但布罗德里克校长明确表示,学校的首要任务是学术. 俄勒冈州立大学71%的学生运动员成绩至少为3分.2021年春季的平均绩点为0.

Old Dominion's benefactors have recognized the president's focus on academic and athletic excellence. 约2美元.为四个以布罗德里克夫妇命名的奖学金项目筹集了500万美元, 使STEM-H学生受益, 女运动员, women volleyball players and rising sophomores and juniors who want to enhance their educational experience.

在过去的两年里, 主席布罗德里克 received a 社区 Leaders' Award from the 汉普顿路城市联盟, 公民领导学院颁发的达顿地区领导奖, a 2020 Distinguished 400 Award by the federally established 400 Years of African American 历史 Commission, 和 商会颁发的汉普顿路第一市民奖. 主席布罗德里克 also has received the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities' Humanitarian Award, 新杂志 & 《bet8九州登录入口》杂志的影响生活奖. 雨果一. 欧文斯老. 阿尔法兄弟会颁发的人道主义奖, “男人为希望”的开拓者奖, 以及商会颁发的远见卓识奖. 《bet8九州登录入口》将布罗德里克总统列入其“名誉权力名单”, 这是对提供“有价值的持续贡献”的高级社区领袖的认可.“他也是圣. 2016年诺福克的帕特里克节游行.

He is past chairman of the Council of Presidents of the Southeastern Universities 研究 Association 和 Virginia Council of Presidents of colleges and universities. He was the only college president to serve as a member of the Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority board for eight years.


主席布罗德里克 is a board member of organizations including the Norfolk 国际 Airport Board of Commissioners, 汉普顿路城市联盟, 汉普顿路商会, 大诺福克公司和汉普顿路合伙公司. He also championed the University's partnership with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra and served as the guest narrator for the orchestra's tribute in 2019 to the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

主席布罗德里克, 前记者, 有关于体育的文章吗, 在《bet8体育娱乐入口》等媒体上发表的有关教育和旅游的文章, 高等教育编年史, 巴尔的摩太阳报, 托管制(美国管理委员会的出版物), 冠军(NCAA出版), 体育网站登录, 波士顿环球报, 里士满时报快讯, 《bet8九州登录入口》和《哈特福德报. 他还撰写了几本关于高等教育问题的书籍章节.

He will retire as president this summer and will become the Board of 访问ors Distinguished Lecturer in the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies.


约翰R. 布罗德里克对凯茜·刘易斯的采访


演讲 & 作品
